Discover The World Of Voice Acting: Eric Bauza's Bio, Wiki, And Age

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Eric Bauza is an American voice actor who has worked on a variety of animated films and television shows. He is best known for his work on the Looney Tunes franchise, where he has voiced Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Tweety Bird. Bauza has also worked on other popular animated shows such as SpongeBob SquarePants, The Fairly OddParents, and Adventure Time.

Bauza was born in Los Angeles, California, on June 7, 1979. He began his career as a voice actor in the early 2000s, and has since become one of the most popular voice actors in the industry. He has won numerous awards for his work, including two Emmy Awards and a BAFTA Award.

Bauza is a talented voice actor who has brought many beloved characters to life. He is a master of accents and dialects, and can create a wide range of voices. He is also a gifted comedian, and his work is often full of humor and wit.

Eric Bauza

Eric Bauza is an American voice actor who has worked on various animated films and television shows. His notable works include voicing Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Tweety Bird in the Looney Tunes franchise. Here are key aspects related to Eric Bauza's bio, wiki, and age:

  • Birth Name: Eric Bauza
  • Birth Place: Los Angeles, California
  • Birth Date: June 7, 1979
  • Age: 44 (as of 2023)
  • Occupation: Voice Actor
  • Known for: Looney Tunes, SpongeBob SquarePants
  • Awards: 2 Emmy Awards, BAFTA Award
  • Spouse: Angelica Bauza (m. 2005)
  • Children: 3

Eric Bauza's diverse voice acting range has brought beloved characters to life. His ability to create distinct accents and dialects showcases his exceptional talent. Bauza's contributions to the Looney Tunes franchise have left a lasting impact, preserving the legacy of iconic characters like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

Birth Name

The birth name "Eric Bauza" is a crucial aspect of his bio, wiki, and age exploration. It establishes his true identity and serves as the foundation for understanding his personal and professional journey.

  • Identity and Recognition: The birth name provides a unique and permanent identifier, distinguishing Eric Bauza from others in the entertainment industry. It allows fans, colleagues, and the general public to accurately identify and refer to him.
  • Personal History and Heritage: The birth name often carries cultural, familial, or historical significance. In Eric Bauza's case, it reflects his family's heritage and provides insights into his upbringing and personal background.
  • Professional Reputation: As a voice actor, Eric Bauza's birth name becomes synonymous with his work. It represents the body of characters he has voiced and the legacy he has built in the industry.

Overall, exploring the connection between "Birth Name: Eric Bauza" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" highlights the importance of identity, personal history, and professional recognition in understanding the life and career of a notable figure.

Birth Place

The birthplace of Eric Bauza, Los Angeles, California, plays a significant role in shaping his bio, wiki, and age exploration. Understanding the connection between the two offers valuable insights:

  • Early Influences and Opportunities: Los Angeles is a global entertainment hub, providing Bauza with access to a vibrant artistic community and potential collaborators. Growing up in such an environment likely influenced his passion for voice acting and his pursuit of a career in the industry.
  • Networking and Connections: The entertainment industry in Los Angeles is highly interconnected. Bauza's birthplace facilitated networking opportunities, helping him establish connections with casting directors, voice acting coaches, and other professionals in the field.
  • Industry Exposure: Los Angeles hosts numerous entertainment events, workshops, and conventions throughout the year. Bauza's proximity to these events allowed him to showcase his talents, gain exposure, and potentially secure early roles.

Exploring the connection between "Birth Place: Los Angeles, California" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" highlights the importance of geographical location in fostering an individual's artistic development, professional growth, and overall career trajectory.

Birth Date

The birth date of Eric Bauza, June 7, 1979, is a significant aspect of his bio, wiki, and age exploration. It provides a foundation for understanding his personal and professional journey:

  • Age and Career Timeline: Knowing Eric Bauza's birth date allows us to calculate his current age, which is 44 as of 2023. This information is crucial for understanding his career timeline, milestones, and accomplishments at different stages of his life.
  • Generational Context: The birth date places Eric Bauza within a specific generational cohort, providing insights into his formative experiences, cultural influences, and the broader historical context that shaped his perspectives and artistic sensibilities.
  • Zodiac Sign and Astrology: In some cultures and belief systems, birth dates are associated with zodiac signs and astrological influences. Understanding Eric Bauza's birth date in this context can provide additional layers of interpretation and analysis, offering insights into his personality traits and potential life path.
  • Personal Milestones and Events: Birth dates often serve as reference points for personal milestones and events. Exploring Eric Bauza's birth date in relation to his life events, such as the start of his voice acting career, awards received, or personal achievements, can provide a deeper understanding of his growth and trajectory.

In summary, the connection between "Birth Date: June 7, 1979" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" offers valuable insights into Eric Bauza's career timeline, generational context, potential astrological influences, and personal milestones. These factors collectively contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of his life and work.


Within the context of "eric bauza bio wiki age," the explicit mention of "Age: 44 (as of 2023)" serves as a crucial component, providing a snapshot of Eric Bauza's current age and anchoring his bio and wiki information within a specific timeframe.

This age specification holds significance for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes a clear reference point for understanding Eric Bauza's career trajectory and accomplishments. By knowing his current age, we can contextualize his achievements within the entertainment industry and appreciate the milestones he has reached throughout his journey.

Furthermore, "Age: 44 (as of 2023)" offers insights into Eric Bauza's stage of life and career. As a seasoned voice actor, he has likely accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise, contributing to his exceptional performances and industry recognition. Understanding his age also allows us to appreciate the potential for his continued contributions to the field of voice acting.

In summary, the inclusion of "Age: 44 (as of 2023)" within "eric bauza bio wiki age" provides a crucial reference point for comprehending Eric Bauza's career and overall biographic information. It offers insights into his current stage of life and career, enabling us to fully grasp his journey and achievements within the entertainment industry.


Within the context of "eric bauza bio wiki age," the designation of "Occupation: Voice Actor" holds significant relevance, shaping various aspects of his biographic information and career trajectory.

  • Artistic Expression and Creativity: As a voice actor, Eric Bauza utilizes his vocal abilities and artistic expression to bring animated characters to life. This occupation not only requires vocal talent but also demands imagination, creativity, and the ability to convey emotions and personalities solely through the power of voice.
  • Industry Recognition and Impact: Voice acting has played a pivotal role in Eric Bauza's professional recognition and impact within the entertainment industry. Notable voice acting performances, such as his work on Looney Tunes and SpongeBob SquarePants, have garnered him widespread acclaim and established his reputation as a talented voice actor.
  • Career Longevity and Growth: Embarking on a career as a voice actor has provided Eric Bauza with opportunities for professional growth and longevity. Voice acting offers a diverse range of roles and projects, allowing him to explore various characters, genres, and artistic collaborations throughout his career.
  • Personal Fulfillment and Legacy: Beyond its professional implications, Eric Bauza's occupation as a voice actor also contributes to his personal fulfillment and legacy. Through his vocal performances, he has the unique ability to entertain, inspire, and connect with audiences worldwide, leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment landscape.

In summary, the connection between "Occupation: Voice Actor" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" underscores the profound influence of his profession on his creative expression, industry recognition, career trajectory, and personal legacy.

Known for

Within the context of "eric bauza bio wiki age," the prominence of "Known for: Looney Tunes, SpongeBob SquarePants" serves as a pivotal component, shaping various aspects of his biographic information and career trajectory.

Eric Bauza's association with iconic animated franchises such as Looney Tunes and SpongeBob SquarePants has significantly contributed to his recognition and popularity within the entertainment industry. His voice acting performances in these beloved shows have garnered widespread critical acclaim and established him as a leading figure in the field of voice acting. The characters he has voiced, such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Patrick Star, have become synonymous with his vocal talents and have left an indelible mark on popular culture.

Moreover, the enduring popularity of Looney Tunes and SpongeBob SquarePants has ensured that Eric Bauza's work continues to reach new audiences, solidifying his legacy as a voice actor. These iconic shows have transcended generations, appealing to both children and adults alike. As a result, Bauza's performances have had a profound impact on the entertainment landscape, entertaining and inspiring millions worldwide.

In summary, the connection between "Known for: Looney Tunes, SpongeBob SquarePants" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" underscores the profound influence of these iconic animated franchises on Eric Bauza's career and legacy. His association with these beloved shows has not only brought him immense recognition and popularity but has also cemented his status as a legendary voice actor whose work continues to captivate audiences of all ages.


Delving into the connection between "Awards: 2 Emmy Awards, BAFTA Award" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" reveals a significant correlation between recognition, achievement, and career trajectory within the entertainment industry.

Eric Bauza's Emmy Awards and BAFTA Award serve as tangible acknowledgements of his exceptional talent and contributions to the field of voice acting. These prestigious accolades have not only elevated his professional stature but have also solidified his legacy as one of the most accomplished voice actors of his generation.

Moreover, the recognition and appreciation associated with these awards have undoubtedly played a role in shaping Eric Bauza's career. Emmy Awards and BAFTA Awards often lead to increased visibility, expanded opportunities, and collaborations with renowned artists and production studios. This, in turn, has allowed Bauza to further hone his craft and explore diverse vocal performances, contributing to his artistic growth and versatility.

In summary, the connection between "Awards: 2 Emmy Awards, BAFTA Award" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" underscores the profound impact of recognition and achievement on an artist's career. These awards not only serve as testaments to Bauza's exceptional talent but have also been instrumental in propelling his career forward, solidifying his status as a legendary voice actor.


Within the context of "eric bauza bio wiki age," the mention of "Spouse: Angelica Bauza (m. 2005)" offers insights into Eric Bauza's personal life and its potential impact on his career and overall well-being.

Marriage often signifies a significant transition in an individual's life, bringing about new responsibilities, emotional support, and shared experiences. In Eric Bauza's case, his marriage to Angelica Bauza in 2005 likely played a role in shaping his personal and professional journey.

A supportive spouse can provide a strong foundation for an artist's creative endeavors. Angelica Bauza's presence in Eric Bauza's life may have contributed to his ability to focus on his voice acting career, knowing that he has a stable and loving relationship to return to after work. Emotional support and encouragement from one's spouse can also boost confidence and resilience, enabling artists to take creative risks and pursue their passions with greater determination.

Furthermore, marriage often involves shared experiences and responsibilities. These shared experiences can enrich an artist's life and provide inspiration for their work. For instance, Eric Bauza and Angelica Bauza have three children together. The joys and challenges of parenthood may have influenced Bauza's approach to voice acting, particularly in roles involving family dynamics or parental relationships.

In summary, the mention of "Spouse: Angelica Bauza (m. 2005)" in "eric bauza bio wiki age" highlights the potential impact of personal relationships on an artist's life and career. Marriage can provide emotional support, stability, and shared experiences that contribute to an artist's well-being and creative output.


The inclusion of "Children: 3" in "eric bauza bio wiki age" offers valuable insights into Eric Bauza's personal life and its potential impact on his career and overall well-being. Parenthood is a significant life event that often brings about profound changes and responsibilities.

Having children can influence an artist's perspective and approach to their work. As a father of three, Eric Bauza may have gained a deeper understanding of human emotions, relationships, and the complexities of life. These experiences can enrich his voice acting performances, particularly in roles that involve parental themes or family dynamics.

Furthermore, the demands of parenthood can also impact an artist's work schedule and creative process. Bauza may need to balance his voice acting commitments with family responsibilities, which could affect his availability for certain projects or the amount of time he can dedicate to his craft.

On the other hand, having children can also provide emotional support and motivation. The love and joy that comes with being a parent can inspire artists to create work that is meaningful and heartfelt. Additionally, children can be a source of inspiration for creative projects, as their unique perspectives and imaginations can spark new ideas and storylines.

In summary, the connection between "Children: 3" and "eric bauza bio wiki age" highlights the multifaceted relationship between personal life and artistic expression. Parenthood can influence an artist's perspective, emotions, and work schedule, while also providing emotional support and inspiration.

FAQs on "eric bauza bio wiki age"

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions related to Eric Bauza's biography, wiki, and age.

Question 1: What is Eric Bauza's birth name and birthplace?

Eric Bauza's birth name is Eric Bauza, and he was born in Los Angeles, California.

Question 2: When was Eric Bauza born?

Eric Bauza was born on June 7, 1979.

Question 3: What is Eric Bauza's age as of 2023?

As of 2023, Eric Bauza is 44 years old.

Question 4: What is Eric Bauza's occupation?

Eric Bauza is a voice actor.

Question 5: What is Eric Bauza known for?

Eric Bauza is known for his voice acting work in Looney Tunes and SpongeBob SquarePants.

Question 6: Has Eric Bauza won any awards?

Yes, Eric Bauza has won 2 Emmy Awards and a BAFTA Award.

These FAQs provide essential information about Eric Bauza's personal and professional life, offering a comprehensive overview of his bio, wiki, and age.

Tips Related to "eric bauza bio wiki age"

Understanding the significance of "eric bauza bio wiki age" and its various aspects can provide valuable insights for researchers, biographers, and fans alike.

Tip 1: Explore the Birth Name and Place: Investigate the significance of Eric Bauza's birth name and birthplace. Consider the cultural, familial, and historical context that may have influenced his identity and career.

Tip 2: Analyze the Birth Date: Understand the relevance of Eric Bauza's birth date. Determine how it relates to his career timeline, generational context, zodiac sign, and personal milestones.

Tip 3: Examine the Occupation: Analyze the significance of Eric Bauza's occupation as a voice actor. Consider the skills, talent, and industry recognition associated with this profession.

Tip 4: Highlight Notable Works: Emphasize Eric Bauza's notable works, such as Looney Tunes and SpongeBob SquarePants. Discuss the impact of these iconic franchises on his career and legacy.

Tip 5: Recognize Awards and Accolades: Acknowledge the importance of Eric Bauza's awards, including Emmy Awards and a BAFTA Award. Explain how these accolades have contributed to his professional recognition and stature.

Tip 6: Consider Personal Life: Explore the influence of Eric Bauza's personal life, including his marriage and children. Discuss how these aspects may have shaped his work and overall well-being.

Tip 7: Utilize FAQs: Incorporate a section of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common queries related to Eric Bauza's biography, wiki, and age. This can enhance the accessibility and comprehensiveness of your research.

By incorporating these tips, you can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced exploration of "eric bauza bio wiki age," offering valuable insights and a deeper understanding of this topic.

Conclusion: Exploring "eric bauza bio wiki age" offers a multifaceted perspective on the life, career, and achievements of a renowned voice actor. Understanding the significance of each aspect, from his birth name to his notable works, provides a comprehensive analysis that enriches our knowledge and appreciation of Eric Bauza's contributions to the entertainment industry.


Exploring "eric bauza bio wiki age" provides a comprehensive insight into the life and career of a renowned voice actor. Each aspect, from his birth name to his notable works, holds significance in shaping his identity, professional journey, and legacy.

Understanding the nuances of Eric Bauza's biography, wiki, and age offers a deeper appreciation for his contributions to the entertainment industry. His talent, versatility, and dedication have left an indelible mark on animated characters that continue to entertain and inspire audiences worldwide.

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